TPR and AMS invite you to their joint workshop on Visualizing the future of Synchromodality on Thursday 30 June 2022 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m CET at the Antwerp Management School (Boogkeers 5, 2000 Antwerp, room 111).
Discover our intermediary findings and provide feedback from your expertise for shaping a synchromodal future!
What to expect?
This workshop is built around three essential dimensions of synchromodality: the operational aspects, the business models, and dataspaces. These elements are presented from the perspective of three research projects: FRONTIER, SyTaDel, and GAP-N (in final preparation stage). You will get thus valuable insight on the main overlaps and differences between these projects, the challenges the industry raises concerning these dimensions of synchromodal solutions and the theoretical solutions to them. You will get the chance to share experiences and shape future research paths that correspond to your industry needs in an interactive carousel linked to the three dimensions/projects presented.
• You will get the chance to support or be involved in further practical synchromodal developments with the presented projects.
• The workshop will be concluded with a networking lunch with sandwiches.
• We also offer online access to those who cannot be physically present.
• In case you cannot attend, feel free to share this invitation with a colleague that has interest in synchromodality.
We are looking forward to meeting you during the workshop!
Registration is compulsory, before 28 June, in order to obtain practical arrangements