
The final curtain fell for the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility, Transport Research Arena – TRA 2022 on November 17th in Lisbon, Portugal. TRA2022 brought together experts from around the world to discuss the newest innovations and the future of mobility and transport.

The FRONTIER project has participated in two invited sessions with the 4FRONT and Automate Clusters. During both sessions, the attendees had the opportunity to listen to great presentations and participate in fruitful discussions with the panelists regarding the future of the network and traffic management.

On November 14th, FRONTIER participated in the “Invited session 39: A snapshot to the traffic management of the future” with the 4FRONT cluster along with the ORCHESTRA, TANGENT, DIT4TRAM projects. The main topic of the session was the network and traffic management of the future and the related implications from a technological, operational, business, governance, and societal perspective.

On November 15th, our project joined the AutoMate Cluster composed of the SHOW, AVENUE, HARMONY, SPROUT, FRONTIER, and PASCAL projects in the “Invited Session 48: AutoMATE: Concertation for Smart, Green, Automated and Integrated Transport” which focused on the complementarity of their results, illustrating also how concertation between projects can be beneficial in order to maximize the benefits of research and development in the field or Automated and Integrated Transport.

FRONTIER was successfully represented at the TRA2022 conference through its experts who widely disseminated the project results and spread the word about its vision to empower a seamless transition to an autonomous and integrated transport management for future mobility services, laying also the groundwork for the project’s future exploitation.

The TRA2022 was held between 14-17 November in Lisbon Congress Centre – CCL which is located in the historical area of Belém and offered a great opportunity for researchers, policymakers, and industry representatives to get together and contribute to the discussion on how research and innovation can reshape the transport and mobility system. The conference provided a unique opportunity to hear about mobility trends in different parts of Europe, learn from achievements in industry as well as share best practices of policies and deployments.