FRONTIER was proud to share its remarkable results at the the European Conference on the Results from Road Transport Research (RTR Conference 2024).
The project's Technical Manager, Dr. Panos Georgakis from the University of Wolverhampton, presented the project's latest developments, its results and impacts in the session dedicated to Network and traffic management for future mobility. Alongside FRONTIER, other three projects (ORCHESTRA, TANGENT and DIT4TraM) of the 4FRONT cluster presented their work and took part in the interesting discussions. The session was moderated by the Project Officer of the four projects, Mr Thiago Tavares (CINEA) and Mr Serge van Dam (Rijkswaterstaat).
On its 7th edition, the RTR Conference is a unique entry point into the achievement of EU-funded projects in road transport. This year, more than 700 participants enjoyed 76 projects presentations ind 26 parallel sessions and learnt about incredible final outcomes from numerous Horizon 2020 projects, providing a glimpse into the promising future of mobility in essential areas for road transport: Green Vehicle, Urban Mobility, Logistics, ITS, Safety, and Automated Transport!
Check FRONTIER's presentation here.
More information about the event: https://rtrconference.eu/
All photos © RTR Conference / Alohafred