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Lunch and Learn Session - Multimodal and Resilient Traffic Management of the Future

WHEN?  Thursday, April 18, 2024 / 1:30-3:30 PM

WHERE?  The RDS Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland  – TRA 2024


Mobility is undergoing unprecedented transformation as it leverages seamless connectivity. In a world where population growth and increased transport are contributing to climate change, integrated traffic management that synchronises traffic flows across all modes of transport will be crucial in overcoming transport-related risks and challenges, ensuring efficiency and resilience of the transport system.

We were excited to welcome more than 80 participants at the beautiful space of the RDS Concert Hall interested to learn how multimodal traffic management solutions will facilitate more efficient, resilient and sustainable transport. Representing the final event of two EU-funded projects, FRONTIER and ORCHESTRA, the session unveiled the projects’ results and demonstrate solutions emerging from three years’ worth of cutting-edge R&I activities. The event was organised as a Lunch and Learn Session of the Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024 on Thursday, April 18, 2024 in Dublin, Ireland.

FRONTIER experts from EURECAT (EUT), ICCS, Frontier Innovations (FI), the University of Wolverhampton (UoW), the Oxford County Council (OCC), Arcadis IBI and the International Road Federation (IRF) presented and demonstrated the project's major results, highlighting their importance for addressing the traffic-related challenges in the transport field in Europe. The FRONTIER platform known as the Autonomous Network and Traffic Management Engine or ANTME, which has successfully revolutionised traffic control by handling traffic incidents across different modes of transport, was demonstrated to the audience detailing its major components and functions. The views of the stakeholders' who already successfully tested the platform in one of the FRONTIER's pilots (in the Oxfordshire) were also shared with the event's participants. The latest FRONTIER Factsheet, produced by the Dissemination and Communication leader of the project, Netcompany-Intrasoft, with the support of ICCS, UoW, FI and EUT, and presenting the ANTME platform and its major components was distributed to the participants (download it here).   

High-level experts from ongoing innovative projects of the Multimodal Traffic Management Cluster (MTMC) shared their insights and vision related to the future of traffic management in interactive Panel discussions moderated by Georgia Gkioka (FRONTIER -  ICCS, Greece) and Trond Hovland (ORCHESTRA - ITS-Norway). Through these interestingl dialogues, the Panelist uncovered the concepts and results of the finishing Horizon 2020 projects, FRONTIER, ORCHESTRA, DIT4TRAM and TANGENT, but also helped to dive into the scope and challenges of the new MTMC Horizon Europe projects, SYNCHROMODE and DELPHI. FRONTIER was represented by its Scientific and Technical Coordinator Prof. Panos Georgakis (University of Wolverhampton).    

The Final Event was moderated by the two projects' coordinators, Fanny Breuil Aymami (FRONTIER - EURECAT) and Runar Søråsen (ORCHESTRA - ITS-Norway). The EC Project Officer Mr Thiago Tavares, CINEA, closed the event with inspiring speech.

Thanks to the insightful presentations and valuable Panel discussions the Final event of FRONTIER and ORCHESTRA Horizon 2020 projects provided a deep dive  into the latest research results, innovations and disruptive technologies within the rapidly evolving field of multimodal traffic management! 



    • 13:30 – 13:35 Welcome
    • 13:35-14:00: ORCHESTRA - A vision for future multimodal traffic management and a framework of how to get there
    • 14:00-14:25: FRONTIER – Multi-stakeholder collaboration for next-generation resilient, autonomous and connected network and traffic management
    • 14:25-14:35: Introducing the Multimdal Traffic Management (MTM) Cluster
    • 14:35-15:25: Panel Discussions with the experts from various ongoing European projects working on the Multimodal Traffic Management field
    • 15:25-15:30: Closing speech by the EC Project Officer Mr. Thiago Tavares, CINEA


For more information about the TRA 2024, visit its official website:

Final Event